In 1874 the famous american doctor Andrew Taylor Still laid out his results and theories on Osteopathy. Then he introduced the five main principles of Osteopathy. These fundamental principles allow us to have a guideline to follow as part of osteopathic visits.
The body is a whole of which every element is physically linked with each other. The different body parts are connected by the connective tissue. When an imbalance occurs it leads to imbalances in adjoining structures. Offsetting mechanisms are created forming an organic chain that can cause other symptoms.
The body structure ( bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, organs, tissues of support and cells) as well as all the functions of our systems ( musculoskeletal, respiratory, vascular, digestive, lymphatic, hormonal etc.) work together. They are linked by an interdependent system. Each mobility restriction inside a tissue will inhibit the proper functioning of an organ and inversely.
Osteopathy is based on this principle. It is necessary to have a proper venous, lymphatic and nervous arterial circulation. It enables to provide feeding, drainage, immune protection and adaptation to body cells.
When tissues that support and surround different vessels prevent a proper fluids circulation and/or influx, the affected areas become more vulnerable to diseased conditions, they are incapable of maintaining a proper function.
The body which is subject to an imbalance looses its auto-healing capacity. It will recover it once blocks are removed, letting the body free to recover its balance. The body ows all the resources to recover.
Focus on the patient and not on the disease which is in the spotlight, it is considered as a whole with its genetic heritage, its history, its environment and its development.